Animal Farm Chapter 5

Animal Farm Chapter 5 Summary

Animal Farm Chapter 5: Mollie is easily lured to a location on the other side of the community. Snowball and Napoleon continue to argue on just about every point. However, this comes to an abrupt stop when, near the end of a debate between the two about whether a windmill should be built or not and just prior to a vote that was going to take place on the matter, Snowball is run off the farm by a pack of nine dogs that Napoleon had been raising unbeknownst to the rest of the animals.

At this point, Napoleon takes control of the farm in a dictator-like style in that the pigs would make all of the decisions with him presiding over that committee. One of the most convincing arguments for this new step that the rest of the animals could not argue with was that opposing it might bring Mr. Jones back.

After initially opposing the plan to build a windmill and a few weeks after Snowball was driven off of Animal Farm, Napoleon announces that they would be building one after all. Squealer goes on to explain that Napoleon had always supported it and that, in fact, it was his idea.

Animal Farm Chapter 5

Mollie starts becoming even less involved in the farm and is eventually lured away by sugar and ribbons. She is never seen again.

Napoleon and Snowball continue to disagree on every topic possible. Although Snowball is a more eloquent speaker, Napoleon is able to garner a bit of support for his views as well. Napoleon is helped by the sheep who repeatedly interrupt Snowball during pivotal moments in his speeches by bleating, “Four legs good, two legs bad.”

Snowball comes up with an idea to build a windmill, which Napoleon mocks and says that if the focus turns to that, the present situation will be irrevocably harmed in that the animals will starve. They also disagree on how to best protect the farm. Snowball wants to continue to encourage animals on other farms to rebel while Napoleon believes that they should get themselves trained on firearm use.

On the day when the animals are to vote on whether or not to build the windmill, Snowball and Napoleon are giving their final speeches when, just as Snowball appears to have swayed public opinion in the direction of building it, Napoleon summons the nine dogs that he had been training since they were puppies, and they terrifyingly run Snowball off of the farm.

Napoleon quickly takes control of Animal Farm in a dictator-like manner. No more meetings, and no more debates. All issues would be decided upon by a committee that would be comprised of pigs and presided over by Napoleon. However, the animals would still meet every Sunday to sing, “Beasts of England,” salute the flag and find out what work they needed to do in the coming week.

The rest of the animals are stunned by this sudden development and seem to know that this was not a step in the right direction but are unable to convince themselves or others of this. Boxer appears especially dismayed, but, before long, he buys into the change and adds a second personal motto, “Napoleon is always right.” Even the rest of the pigs did not like what had happened and immediately start voicing their disagreement before the intimidating dogs cause them to sit back down.

Squealer then convinces the animals that Napoleon is not enjoying being a leader and stresses how much of a sacrifice doing so is. One memorable point that he makes is that Napoleon would be more than happy to allow the animals to make their own decisions, but the chances of those being the wrong decisions and costing Animal Farm as a whole were too dangerous. Did they want Mr. Jones back?

A few weeks later, the plans for the windmill are put into motion to the surprise of many. Squealer replies that it was actually Napoleon’s idea in the first place, and Snowball had stolen it from him. He then opposed it as a tactical move to get rid of Snowball, who was dangerous to the farm. Of course, Squealer’s convincing way or speaking is now being helped by the growling dogs who often accompany him.


Snowball created an image of utopia with his idea of a windmill. When it was built, animals would only need to work three days a week.

The two leaders, Snowball and Napoleon, continue to argue on just about every point. They even reversed their earlier focuses to do so. In general, Snowball had previously focused on issues related to the present while Napoleon had focused on the future. But, now that Snowball was looking to the future with his idea of building a windmill, Napoleon opposed that by saying that ignoring the present would result in starvation.

However, now it is clear that Napoleon was helping create these disagreements, especially the last one about the windmill, to set the stage for his usage of the dogs that he had been training to drive Snowball, his only real opposition, off the farm.

Benjamin still decides to not take a side or believe that anything will change in the long run. As this novella progresses, it becomes more and more clear that he may actually be the smartest animal on the farm.

Squealer continues to impress with his way of convincing others of his view. For example, he said that Napoleon would be glad to let the animals make decisions for themselves, but the only reason he does not allow that is because the wrong decisions might be made.

Fear-mongering is still the norm in that, according to the pigs, if the animals don’t follow what Napoleon says, Mr. Jones may return.

The idea that those in charge rewrite the history books to paint themselves in the brightest light possible is shown with clarity late in this chapter. Here, it was decided that Napoleon had actually come up with the idea to build the windmill, and he had only appeared to oppose it as a tactical move to rid the farm of Snowball, who was deemed to be a significant danger to the farm’s well-being. Additionally, word was spread that Snowball’s role in the Battle of the Cowshed was “exaggerated.”


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Animal Farm Chapter 5 Questions and Answers

What happened to Mollie?

She disappeared, last seen on the other side of Willingdon.

What were the two things that most tempted Mollie to leave?

Sugar and ribbons.

Which pig’s speeches did the sheep often interrupt by bleating, “Four legs good, two legs bad”?


How did Snowball learn how to build a windmill?

From three books that used to belong to Mr. Jones. Specifically, they were, “Electricity for Beginners,” “Every Man His Own Bricklayer” and “One Thousand Useful Things to Do About the House.”

What did Napoleon do when he walked into the shed to examine the windmill plans more closely?

Urinate on them.

According to Snowball, how many days a week would the animals need to work once the windmill was completed?


What was Napoleon’s main argument against the windmill?

That it would take the animals’ focus away from the present and cause them to starve to death as a result.

What were the slogans that put into a few words the main views of Snowball and Napoleon on the windmill matter?

“Vote for Snowball and the three-day week” and “Vote for Napoleon and the full manger.”

Who was the only animal to not pick a side in the argument about the windmill?


What did Napoleon believe was the best strategy to protect the farm?

Train themselves in the use of firearms.

What did Snowball believe was the best strategy to protect the farm?

Increase the spreading of the word of what was happening there to other farms so that rebellions would take place all over the country and, as a result, there would be no need for them to protect Animal Farm.

How long was Napoleon’s rebuttal when he and Snowball were making their final arguments about whether or not the windmill should be built?

Thirty seconds.

What stopped the debate?

Napoleon summoning the dogs that he had been training, who then ran Snowball off the farm.

How many dogs were summoned?


Which view on the windmill would have likely won the ensuing vote had this interruption not occurred?

Snowball’s opinion that the windmill should be built.

Why did Napoleon put an end to the Sunday meetings that had been taking place?

They were unnecessary and wasted time.

Who would now make the major decisions related to the farm?

A committee of pigs, which would be presided over by Napoleon.

What was Boxer’s response to what had happened at the meeting, both immediately and later that day? What motto did he adopt as a result?

Initially, he was troubled and had a difficult time organizing his thoughts. He then bought into the new situation and started following a second motto, “Napoleon is always right.”

What was done with old Major’s skull?

It was disinterred and placed next to the gun at the foot of the flagstaff.

How long was the building of the windmill expected to last?

Two years.

According to Squealer, whose idea was it been to build a windmill?


According to Squealer, why did Napoleon appear to oppose the windmill?

As a tactical move to get rid of “dangerous” Snowball.

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